MIndSonar Coaching

Give Your Coaching Process A Head Start

Fast and Deep Coaching with MindSonar

MindSonar can help you and your client understand why they have the problems they have. And it can point to specific thinking style elements that need to change if they want to achieve their goals.

Measure, Understand, Change

Some people think of coaching as a purely intuitive process. Others follow a strict protocol. We think you need a bit of both. MindSonar helps you understand why your client has the problems they have. How does their mindset explain their problems? And what do they need to change - in terms of thinking style elements - to achieve their goals? MindSonar helps both you and them to quickly understand that. And from there the coaching can take off with a head start.

Measuring the Mindset behind the Problem

Your thinking determines how you feel and how you respond to challenges. Measuring your client’s mindset will give you a complete picture of their mindset in the to the problem situation.

Seeing the specific Elements causing the Problem

Once you have this overview, you and your client can easily figure out what it is in their mindset that keeps them in the problem state. A combination of values and thinking style elements.

Changing the Essential Problem Elements

Once you understand which thinking style elements cause the problem, you and your client have a clear direction in terms of change. Only change what’s necessary to achieve the goals.

About Us
MindSonar is a psychological tool that helps you do just that. MindSonar was developed by Dutch psychologist Jaap Hollander and his team. It has its roots in Neuro Linguistic Programming and the work of psychologist Clare Graves.
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About Us
MindSonar is a psychological tool that helps you do just that. MindSonar was developed by Dutch psychologist Jaap Hollander and his team. It has its roots in Neuro Linguistic Programming and the work of psychologist Clare Graves.
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