MindSonar Leadership

Create Strong Leadership Powered by MindSonar

The Leadership Mindset

MindSonar can help you understand the strengths and improvement options for any leader. Learn how to measure and improve the four essential leadership processes.

The Four Essential
Elements Of Leadership

Many people think of leadership as a single object. You either have good leadership or bad leadership. Strong leadership or weak leadership. Visionary leadership or serving leadership. And so on. While actually we can distinguish 4 elements. Each of those has their separate characteristics in terms of mindset. And we can measure them all with MindSonar.

Understanding the Elements of the Leadership Mindset

Understand how a good leader thinks and what they find important, based on the 4 essential elements. Strong leadership results from the interaction between those 4 elements.

Measuring the Leadership Qualities of any given Leader

You can measure a leader’s mindset with a single MindSonar profile. Looking at it through the lense of the 4 elements, you can see which ones are good and which ones need work.

Strengthening Leadership with the MindSonar Profile

Once you have the profile, not only do you understand which elements can be improved, you also see howthis can be done, which thinking style elements to increase or decrease.

About Us
MindSonar is a psychological tool that helps you do just that. MindSonar was developed by Dutch psychologist Jaap Hollander and his team. It has its roots in Neuro Linguistic Programming and the work of psychologist Clare Graves.
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About Us
MindSonar is a psychological tool that helps you do just that. MindSonar was developed by Dutch psychologist Jaap Hollander and his team. It has its roots in Neuro Linguistic Programming and the work of psychologist Clare Graves.
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