MindSonar Recruiting

Who You Want To Recruit

MindSonar helps you understand the mindset of potential recruits. Create a real-life benchmark and use it for attractive advertising as well as easy selection of the best candidates.

Recruiting Based On Understanding

How to recruit the talented people your organisation needs? In most countries today, good candidates are hard to find. MindSonar enhances your recruiting with a benchmark that precisely defines the mindset of your desired candidate. Once you have that, you can further raise your recruiting success by crafting advertisements that are attractive especially to those candidates. Once you have attracted candidates, it's easy to select the ones that fit the benchmark. Forget about recruiting as a shot in the dark. Know who you want, and recruit with confidence.

Create a Benchmark for the Ideal Candidate

Profile examples of the kind of people you are looking for. Or talk to the client about the sort of people they need. Use this to formulate a benchmark for the wanted mindset of the future co-worker.

Produce Advertising that attracts the Ideal Candidate

Based on the benchmark, write advertising that precisely reflects the wanted mindset. This looks and sounds attractive to the people you want. People who like the advertising have the right mindset.

Select the people that fit the benchmark best

Once candidates call, you have a precise, real life standard to compare them to: the benchmark. You can quickly see to what extent they fit and even what kind of training they would need.

About Us
MindSonar is a psychological tool that helps you do just that. MindSonar was developed by Dutch psychologist Jaap Hollander and his team. It has its roots in Neuro Linguistic Programming and the work of psychologist Clare Graves.
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About Us
MindSonar is a psychological tool that helps you do just that. MindSonar was developed by Dutch psychologist Jaap Hollander and his team. It has its roots in Neuro Linguistic Programming and the work of psychologist Clare Graves.
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