

December 14, 2023
What are Value Types Graves Drives

We use criteria all the time, MindSonar registers some of them Criteria are the standards you use to evaluate things. MindSonar registers criteria and assigns them to certain value types. You use the yardsticks of criteria all the time, usually without being aware of them. For instance: when you meet someone new, you may be using ‘smart’...

December 14, 2023
The 4 Essential Elements of Leadership

Clinton on leadership What is leadership? One of the most concise and yet comprehensive descriptions was given by former US president Bill Clinton, in a Fortune magazine interview in 2014. “Leadership”, Clinton said, “means bringing people together in pursuit of a common cause, developing a plan to achieve it and staying with it until the...

About Us
MindSonar is a psychological tool that helps you do just that. MindSonar was developed by Dutch psychologist Jaap Hollander and his team. It has its roots in Neuro Linguistic Programming and the work of psychologist Clare Graves.
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About Us
MindSonar is a psychological tool that helps you do just that. MindSonar was developed by Dutch psychologist Jaap Hollander and his team. It has its roots in Neuro Linguistic Programming and the work of psychologist Clare Graves.
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